in honor of our year out we donned all the cozy layers of clothes that we wore out the the interests of appreciating the fact that we're never COLD these days!!

(you start to take heat for granted when you're in a 9'-by-10' boat cabin, cooking over a hot stove in 98 degrees and 99% humidity...)
Ah yes, halloween is coming and you two might just win the prize for most "technically outfitted banana looking geeks". Can't believe 365 1/4 days have gone by already. It's a funny emotional state for us friendly followers who watch you two through the NORAD Spy Satellite we've got honed on you...Miss you guys, am jealous and know you're where you're supposed to be all at the same time. Best way to sum it up is it's kinda like the emotions of watching Shawshank Redemption for the first time. I'm with JKB, I'll vote for almost anything but D. All those options have appeal. I bet if I could get Marti a look-a-like Rio-farm in Maine, C might have some further appeal. We've got places with foreign sounding names too...Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Poland, get the picture. Unfortunately, they're all pronounced normally, but I'll work on that if it would make Marti feel more at home. If you're in the Bay Island this winter, maybe CCG (I like using all this initial stuff, very covert) and I will come down??...hopefully, Joshua can get us the same Isuzu P-up (the Gazelle). I was growing very attached to it. Anywho, love you guys, talk soon...maybe I'll buy a skype headset today...
PS: RAC, That's the lamest thumbs I've ever seen.
Congrats, guys.
Not on the year. We knew you'd do that.
On finding the foul weather gear after ten months of tropics. Amazing!
Keep it handy. You'll need it when you get north of Cape Hatteras.
Rick & Ellen
well, ya gotta cut allen some slack on the thumb that didn't quite make it to the "up" position - we had a local take the picture and he didn't quite get how to work the camera AND tell us he was taking it. and needless to say we weren't going to stay in that gear for a lengthy photo shoot....
Geez, awful quick with the excuses.
yeah, yeah, yeah....
so so awesome... has it really been that long?
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